Séverine Furst
Is postdoctoral researcher in the PRE-COLLAPSE project for the modelling of volcano dynamics. These are for example the transport of viscous magma within the volcano and its effect on volcano stability.
Séverine motivates that her research will contribute to mitigate volcanic hazards associated with both the creation of new eruptive vents and instability of volcano flanks.
Séverine will particularly investigate the interaction between flank movement and the volcano’s plumbing system with the aim to assess all consequences of this interaction on volcanic edifice stability. She will couple different models, to encompass several physical processes like magmatic, tectonic and slope processes that cannot be captured within one single type of model.
In her previous postdoc within the project MAGRAPROPAGATOR (French ANR Project) of Virginie Pinel, Séverine developed a new multi-method approach combining analog experiment and numerical modelling of dike propagation. With this research group she carried out analog experiments with solidified gelatine to validate the results from numerical simulations of dike propagation.
In a previous project supported by TotalEnergies, Séverine worked on developing an alternative technique of monitoring unconventional reservoirs using geodetic networks.
During her PhD, Séverine developed a numerical tool allowing the joint inversion of multiple geodetic data associated with the change in volume stress at depth, as observed during volcanic eruptions or resource extraction (e.g salt, hydrocarbon). The study site was an exploitation of salt reservoir in Vauvert (France) which became a pilot site to test geodetic instruments and the new methods developed.

Research Interests
Physical volcanology
seafloor and terrestrial geodesy
numerical modelling
volcano flank collapse
magma transport
dynamic of volcanoes
RD4 Dynamics of the Ocean Floor - Marine Geodynamics
phone: +49 431 600-2566
email: sfurst@geomar.de
room: 8B-204
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Wischhofstr. 1-3
24148 Kiel
Séverine Furst
Academic background
2015 – 2018
PhD in Geophysics, University of Montpellier, France
“Multi-objective optimization for joint inversion of geodetic data”
Engineer in Geophysics, EOST-University of Strasbourg , France
MSc. in Geophysics, University of Strasbourg, France
BSc. In Geosciences, University of Strasbourg, France
Research Experience
Post-doc researcher in Physical Volcanology at GEOMAR, Germany
Post-doc researcher in Physical Volcanology at ISTerre Le Bourget du Lac, France
Post-doc researcher in geodesy with Total and the University of Montpellier, France
Scientific visit at USGS for volcano modelling, USA
PhD at Géosciences Montpellier, France
Intern in the Volcanology group of GNS Science, New Zealand
Furst S., Pinel V., Maccaferri F., Dynamics of magmatic intrusion, what can we learn from the comparison of analogue and numerical models ? Volcanica (2024)
Furst S., Urlaub M., Klein E., Bonanati C., Are eruptions reliable precursors to marine volcano collapses? Frontiers in Sciences (2023)
Furst S., Maccaferri F., Pinel V., Modeling the shape and velocity of magmatic intrusions, a new numerical approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (2023)Pinel V., Furst S., Maccaferri F., Smittarello D., Buoyancy versus local stress field control on the velocity of magma propagation: insight from analog and numerical modelling. Front. Earth Sci., (2022)
Furst S., Doucet S., Vernant P., Champollion C., Carme J.-L., Monitoring surface deformation of deep salt mining in Vauvert (France), combining InSAR and levelling data for multi-sources inversion. Solid Earth (2021)
Smittarello D., Pinel V., Maccaferri F., Furst S., Rivalta E., Cayol V. Characterizing the physical properties of gelatin, a classic analog for the brittle elastic crust, insight from numerical modeling. Techtonophysics, 812 (2021)
Furst S., Chery J., Peyret M., Mohammadi B., Tiltmeter data inversion to characterize full strain tensor source at depth: application to reservoir monitoring. Journal of Geodesy (2020)
Furst S., Chery J., Mohammadi B., Peyret M., Joint estimation of tiltmeters drift and volume variation during reservoir monitoring. Journal of Geodesy (2019)
Furst S., Peyret M., Chéry J., Mohammadi B., Lithosphere rigidity by adjoint-based inversion of interseismic GPS data, application to the Western United States. Tectonophysics, 746 (2018) 364-383
Campbell M. L., Furst S., Sudhaus H., Urlaub M., Evaluating the role of complex topography on ground deformation modelling at marine volcanoes, VMSG 2024, Bristol, UK.
Furst S., Maccaferri F., Pinel V., Modeling the Shape and Velocity of Magmatic Intrusions, a New Numerical Approach, invited presentation, Geomod 2023, Paris, France.
Pinel V., Galland O., Furst S., Métral L., Camus B., Maccaferri F., Evaluation of magma rising-induced surface displacement models using analog experiments, Geomod 2023, Paris, France.
Furst S., Urlaub M., Klein E., Bonanati., Are eruptions reliable precursors to marine volcano collapses, Oceanic volcanism workshop, Kiel, Germany.
Campbell M., Furst S., Sudhaus H., Urlaub M., Modelling the topographic effect on edifice wide deformation at marine volcanoes, Oceanic volcanism workshop, Kiel, Germany.
Furst S., Maccaferri F., Pinel V., Geophysical constraints and perspectives for modeling the shape and velocity of a magmatic intrusion at Piton de la Fournaise, invited presentation, IUGG 2023, Berlin, Germany.
Furst S., Campbell M., Maccaferri F., Urlaub M., The effect of topography in dyke propagation modelling, IUGG 2023, Berlin, Germany.
Pinel V., Galland O., Furst S., Metral L., Camus B., Maccaferri F., Surface displacement field induced by an ascending Weertman crack: numerical modeling versus analogue experiments, EGU23, Vienna, Austria.
Furst S., Urlaub M., Klein E., Bonanati C., Identifying precursors of catastrophic flank collapses at oceanic and coastal volcanoes, Physics of Volcanoes, Hannover, Germany.
Campbell M., Furst S., Sudhaus H., Urlaub M., Is topography a significant parameter to include in volcano deformation modelling? Physics of Volcanoes, Hannover, Germany.
Furst S., Urlaub M., Maccaferri F., Klein E., Modeling magmatic unrest at oceanic and coastal volcanoes, implication of the topography and crustal heterogeneities, IAVCEI General Assembly 2023, 234, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Furst S., Pinel V., Vandemeulebrouck J., Analogue experiments on the generation of seismic signals during dyke propagation, IAVCEI General Assembly 2023, 235, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Campbell M., Furst S., Sudhaus H., Urlaub M., How can seafloor deformation help constrain kinematic models of Mt Etna's deformation? VMSG, 2023, London
Furst S., Pinel V., Maccaferri F., The analog model, the numerical model and the Piton de la Fournaise: tale of a propagating dike, EGU General Assembly 2022, EGU22-3045, Vienna, Austria.
Maccaferri F., Furst S., Pinel V., Modelling the shape of a moving fluid-filled crack and computing its propagation velocity: application to magmatic dykes, EGU General Assembly 2022, EGU22-4214, Vienna, Austria.
Injection of a viscous silicon oil inside rigid gelatin. The load induces an heterogeneous stressfield and affect crack trajectory and velocity (https://magmapropagator.osug.fr/Analogue-experiments)